Seminar over RFNBO-certificering

06-04-2023 1124 keer bekeken


10-05-2023 om 13:00


10-05-2023 om 15:00

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Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) organiseert een seminar over RFNBO-certificering in Rotterdam. Het wordt parallel aan de World Hydrogen Summit (WHS) gehouden. Het seminar kan je online volgen en is in het Engels.

Het seminar in Rotterdam wordt alleen bijgewoond door genodigden. Hieronder vind je het programma in het Engels. Je kunt het seminar op 10 mei tussen 13:00 en 15 uur volgen op YouTube via de onderstaande link.

Volg het seminar


The seminar will be moderated by Dirk van Hoorn (EZK).

Block 1 Regulatory framework

13:00-13:20: Bernd Kuepker, European Commission, DG ENER

  • The two hydrogen delegated acts, including expected timeline until publication
  • RFNBO voluntary scheme, recognition procedure and timeline

13:20-13:40: John Neeft, Netherlands Enterprise Agency

  • Guarantees of Origin versus RED-II voluntary schemes
  • Review on the RFNBO Certification pilot, organised in the Fall 2022

20 minutes for discussion

Block 2 Voluntary schemes (almost) in procedure for recognition

14:00-14:15: Juliane Pohl, ISCC

  • Sustainability certification in a chain of companies - how does this work?
  • ISCC RFNBO scheme: general overview

14:15-14:30: Matthieu Boisson, CertifHy

  • What is the status and what are the chances for international harmonisation of green hydrogen and RFNBO Certification?
  • CertifHy RFNBO scheme: general overview

14:30-14:45: Peter Jürgens, REDcert

  • For which topics have chain certification schemes already been developed?
  • REDcert RFNBO scheme: general overview

The speakers will also cover the topics: ‘When can first companies be certified’ and ‘Certification costs (fee to the scheme owner)’.

15 minutes for discussion

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