Hydrogen 2024

Michelle Huizen 07-12-2023





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Leonardo Royal Hotel, Paul van Vlissingenstraat 24, 1096 BK, Amsterdam

Join 400+ policy leaders, project developers, investors and suppliers at Reuters Events: Hydrogen 2024, the world’s most senior hydrogen event. Build your business case, make connections and leave the event with tangible learnings.


At this event, you can learn about how to:

  • Achieve long-lasting off-taker commitment between producers and off-takers.  
  • Form hydrogen standards to incentivize market formation and ensure visibility for investors.
  • Develop a world class infrastructure backbone to move and store hydrogen.
  • Capitalize on the $208 billion per year ammonia opportunity to extend the hydrogen value chain.


For companies committed to the scale-up of the hydrogen economy, carefully-curated speaker faculty of global executives, policymakers and innovators at the forefront of the industry will give unmissable insights into their projects.

Find the list of speakers.


Through 80+ hours of industry research and executive interviews, Reuters Events have curated a two-day program focused on bridging the gap between hydrogen supply and demand:

  • Set the global hydrogen standard: Prepare your business plan by connecting with senior policymakers at the forefront of developing global hydrogen regulatory frameworks.

  • Secure offtake agreements and financing: Build a strong business case and demonstrate your project's bankability through reaching long-lasting off-taker agreements across heavy industry, mobility, and other applications.

  • Produce at scale: Unlock the multi-billion production opportunity through first-hand insights from developers, industrial gases companies, oil & gas majors, utilities, and technology providers on the projects, technologies, and strategies driving down production costs.

  • Develop the infrastructure backbone to store and transport hydrogen: Develop a world-class hydrogen grid network, store hydrogen for long duration to supply to applications when needed, and apply practical insights learned from emerging hydrogen valleys.

  • Unlock clean ammonia to enable the hydrogen economy: Capitalize on the opportunity to extend the hydrogen value chain into the tradable ammonia sector, deep-diving into the opportunity in shipping, power generation and fertilizers.

Discover the full program.


Register for tickets on the Hydrogen 2024 website.

More information

Hydrogen 2024
